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Describe How Information Systems Have Changed the Way...

course title EBIS112 – CONTEMPORARY INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR ORGANIZATIONS assignment number ASSIGNMENT ONE name Stanley, Loi Chi Man student number BB102098 session number 007 Faculty of Business Administration EBIS112 – Contemporary Information Systems For Organizations Assignment One Due date: 7th, Oct. 2011 1 Requirement: ⠝â€" Include a cover page with the course title, assignment number, your name, student number and session number. ⠝â€" Page setup: Use 1 inch for left, right, top and bottom margin, 12pt for font size, single line spacing, and leave at least one line between questions. ⠝â€" Answer in YOUR OWN WORDS. Please note that direct paragraphing from either the textbook or your notes will be subject to mark reduction.†¦show more content†¦To 5 p.m. Space shifting means that work takes place in a global workshop, as well as within national. Questions 2 a) List and describe the organization, management, and technology dimensions of information systems. 1. Organization: The organization dimension of information systems concerns issues like the hierarchy of organization, culture, processes of business, functional specialties and political interest groups. 2. Management: The management dimension of information systems concerns issues like job attitudes, staff training, and management behavior. 3. Technology: The technology dimension composes of computer software, hardware, data management technology and networking technology. b) Distinguish between data and information and between information systems literacy and computer literacy. Data vs. information Data which is a move of raw fact representing events occurring in the organization before the organization have been organized and arranged into a form that people can use and understand. Information which is a data that have been became a form that is meaningful and useful to human being. Information systems literacy vs. computer literacy Information literacy is more care for create information useful to an organization and its staff, on the other hand computer literacy satisfied the simple use of computer. As technology uses spread beyond traditional computer,Show MoreRelatedInformation System877 Words   |  4 PagesQuestion 1: How are information systems transforming business amp; what is their relationship to globalization? *Describe how information systems have changed the way businesses operate and their products and services. *Identify three major information system trends. *Describe the characteristics of a digital firm. *Describe the challenges and opportunities of globalization in a â€Å"flattened† world. 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