Thursday, September 26, 2019

Online booking system for parking Literature review

Online booking system for parking - Literature review Example Context of the project It is evident that the number of vehicles in the country has increased exponentially over time. However, the number of parking spaces has not been changed to reflect the increase in the number of vehicles. Inevitably, finding an open parking space has been one of the greatest headaches for vehicle owners (Banman, 2009). The situation becomes even worse during peak hours when there is heavy vehicular movement. In some instances, a person has to drive around town in the search of empty parking spaces. This leads to wastage of fuel and time since the search may take long. This project will help to ensure that a person can check and book available parking space from any place. The portal for online booking for parking system will make it possible for a person to check for available parking spaces and drive straight to the place. This will result in significant savings in terms of money and time. Suffice to say, the use of internet has become almost second nature to most people (Stobbs, 2012). In the United States, the internet penetration rate stands at eighty one percent. Almost half of the population possesses either a smart phone or a tablet. Thus, there is a sufficient number of people using the internet who can benefit from this service. Overall objectives The speci?c objectives of this project are as follows: (i) To investigate extend to which online booking system can be implemented for car parking. (ii) To design an online booking system for car parking. (iii) To implement a software prototype for the car parking system. (iv) To validate the software prototype implemented during the course of the project. Techniques for realization In order for this project to be successful, it will be necessary to apply various techniques. One of the critical factors for the successful realization of this project is intensive research. There is need to conduct a comprehensive research on the issue of car parking and the way that online systems can he lp in mitigation of the problem. Also, the project should be implemented using hardware and software that is up to the task. The success of software related projects depends on the system specifications that are selected. This is critical as it determines the performance of the system under the given circumstances. The realization of the project will also depend on the ease of usability of the online booking system for car parking. The user interface should be fast and intuitive such the user can easily navigate through it (Stobbs, 2012). Structure of the contextual report This contextual report will first evaluate the existing technologies in the area of car parking. The existing literature in online booking systems and car parking will be reviewed. This will help to give a solid background of the topic of online booking system for car parking. A comparative analysis of the existing and proposed car parking systems will help to show the existing gaps and the potential benefits of t he project. A section on market research will shed light on the potential clients of the proposed system. The patterns in the car parking industry will be evaluated to investigate the underlying trends. Finally, the requirement specifications for the online booking system for car parking will be outlined. Section 2: Literature review Technological overview At the early stages of commercial car parking, most of the work was done entirely on paper. The parking attendant

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