Thursday, September 12, 2019

Older adult with multiple comorbidities Case Study

Older adult with multiple comorbidities - Case Study Example There is redness on inspection that is indicative of inflammation. The patient report pain in to be 8 out 10 on the rating scale between 1 and 10. Blood pressure 120/80 and breathing rate of 18 breathe per minute. Then the clinical judgment of nurse is formulated to help in respond patients potential and actual health concern because of condition. This segment is prioritized. In aggressive urinary tract infection there is acute pain (Doenges & Murr, 2014). The nursing diagnosis for pain: The review of system of the patient is necessary, the presenting complain of patient is necessary. The medical laboratory test for urinalysis, blood and the CT scans films for completeness of the patient report. The vital sign are necessary. The patient care is collaborative. The medical laboratory team should do urinalysis to determine the causative agent of the urinary tract infection. The nutritionist should come with appropriate diet of the patient that will aid in control of the urinary tract infection. The physician should carry out a comprehensive review of system to determine the underlying cause because she is a known diabetic patient (Doenges & Murr, 2014). Patient Tien has been having aggressive urinary tract infection on admission to hospital and her past medical history is indicate that she is a known diabetic patient. Other history of the patient includes falls, dementia and atrial

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