Monday, September 9, 2019

Disaster Safety Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Disaster Safety Management - Essay Example This resulted in increased pressure and temperature over 200Â ° centigrade. Due to the blowing North-Westly winds, the vented gases were introduced to Bhopal. Regarding the safety issues, in November 1984 most of the safety problems persisted in the industry. The safety system was not good at that time as many pipes and valves were not in good conditions. The 42 tons of MIC was above the safety lines allowed. Due to these lacking and increased temperature and pressure, presence of contaminants, resulted in the emergency venting from MIC tank that caused release of toxic gases. Due to lack of safety instructions to the workers that cleaned pipes from water, without having slip-blind water isolation tap, the water entered the tank 610 and caused the problem. But these safety issues were denied by the corporation. The health effects at the start was the burning eyes, suffocation and vomiting. The Hamidia hospital reported the patients had symptoms of respiratory difficulties, blindness and visual impairments. Due to the toxic gases that were denser than air, these gases stayed near the ground. The people that ran rather than using vehicle were more exposed to these primary symptoms of suffocation, coughing, vomiting and eye irritation. Similarly the height differences caused more effects on short heighted persons.

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