Thursday, July 25, 2019

The global recession and workplace malfeasance Essay

The global recession and workplace malfeasance - Essay Example nnot influence those with the opportunities to malfeasance in workplace as they are trying to maintain their jobs to reduce the impact of the global recession. Though there are media reports that there has been malfeasance in workplace, it has no clear evidence that the malfeasance is because of the economic downturns and company layoffs. The Times of London for example reports that job losses in the United States is directly linked to 58 fatalities of which 13 people were killed by a Vietnamese man who was later fired from his factory job; this does not prove it was because of the recession just because the crime was committed during that recession (35). The case proves that we can learn nothing from the business press; this is because the press does not present accurate information to the public but reports opposite of the real situations. A poll conducted among 400 employers asking whether recession has brought a recent rise in monetary theft among employees such as missing cash or fraudulent transaction showed that 18% said yes, 41% were unsure, and 41% said they had not. The poll results indicates that a small percentage of employers thought the employee theft is caused by the recession, but the business press reports that â€Å"Business Say Theft by Their Workers Is Up,† which is a complete opposite of the poll result thus we cannot learn from the business press. Regarding on how to be an informed consumer on business news, difficulty illustrations by OB help in the investigation by asking questions, analyzing situations, and considering the information source. This helps the consumers in critically thinking about problems and careful analysis of the same. Therefore, the chapter provides clues on OB issues that can inform the consumer (35). Individual privacy is violated when measurers, such as fingerprint scanner are put in all cash register to monitor what the employees do. Employees feel that their privacy is violated when every move he or she makes in

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