Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Paper About Life -- essays research papers

The Longman dictionary of American Englishdefines biography as, the force that enables usto continue. intent in my eyes is the intervalof time between birth and death. Throughoutlife you will be placed in situations, andput to the test of time. on that point will be timeswhen you are joyous, and times when you aresorrowful. This is the period of trial andtribulation. Face the fact life is hard.Being an adolescent, a person is previous(p)to the world. The value of an inexperiencedadolescent is meaningless, compared to aperson who has more experience in life. WhenI was younger, I payed very little attentionto the values of life of life. In my eyes,life was fun and games. I felt I wouldalways be a child, and have the never-endingsupport of my parents. I knew I lived an unassailable life, until tragedy struck andchanged my life forever.Just a few years ago, I was put through avery emotional stage of depression. At theyoung age of fourteen, my mother went intocardiac arrest. I remembe r having a horribledream that specific night about a death inmy family. I remember hearing the cries ofmy father and sisters. It was thoses verycries that awoke me from my sleep. At thetime of my awakening, I was very confused.It was as if I was living out my dream.As I walked the hallway, I noticed somestrangers were in my home. These strangerswere wearing paramedic paraphernalia.Suddenly, my heart began to skip beats. Inoticed that something was not right in myhome. I followed th...

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